Default College Enrollment Reports

College Enrollment Reports is a statistical tool that is used to monitor the population of officially enrolled students, Subjects, Schedules, and Teaching Load. It can be categorized by School year, Student year/level, semester, Class, subjects, Courses, Gender, etc. anything related to enrollment.

College Reports

College Report contains a list of information in the enrollment that needs to be statistically analyzed and controlled. Each data has steps on how to create their reports. Students need to be officially enrolled for them to reflect their count in the data.

Class List

Class List contains a list of subjects with their respective course description, section, time/schedules, count of students, number of units in that subject, and assigned instructor.

Teaching Load

In this report, you can generate the schedules or teaching load of the teacher by Department.

Enrollment and Promotional Report

This report generates the list of enrolled students with their subjects and total of units taken.

Enrollment Count

Enrollment Count contains a list of data that shows the number of students count that are officially enrolled.

Enrollment Count by Block

The number of enrolled students every block is shown in this report.

Enrollment Count by Subject

The number of students per subject is displayed in this report.

Names of Officially Enrolled Students

The students who are officially enrolled are generated by this report.

Subject Statistic Report

This report shows the total number of students enrolled, as well as the maximum and minimum capacity per class.

Subject list with Schedules

The class schedules are generated by this report.

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