Identify first whether your school is charging the rate per subject or rate by course.
In this case if your school is charging it by rate per course then follow these steps below.
Login to the portal using the accounts that can edit School WC settings, i.e. Administrators, Support, IT, etc.

Step 1.
Type School WC on the search bar above.

Step 2.
Scroll down and find "Per Unit Method of Charging" and click to box below to assign the rate "By Course".

Click Save once done.

Step 3.
Search "School Fees List" on the search bar at the upper right corner of the portal's desk. Click the result, School Fees List.

Step 4
The School Fees List page will be displayed once the result is clicked.

Step 5
Open an existing school fee by clicking a fee set on the list or create a new one by clicking the New button.

Step 6
Once you clicked an existing school fee or created a new one, assign the base rate per unit that will be charged. Do not forget to include the Course.
Click Save and Submit Fees once done.