School News Feed is the school's recent activity posted on School Feeds icon and/or on selected SMS numbers. Your news feed represents the social face of your school, therefore posts need to be presented with care.
Click the Icon "School Feeds" to view previous feeds or make new Feeds.

- You may also search in the search bar and look for the "School Feeds List"

Click "New" to make new News and Announcements for Mobile App, Facebook and SMS.

- Input the necessary information to create News and Announcements. The Post to Mobile App option will always be checked. Check Send SMS if you want the notification or feed to be included as an SMS. If you ticked the Send SMS option, parents or students that provided their mobile numbers will receive the feed or notification.

You can add additional recipients by entering mobile numbers on the Custom Recipients text bar.
After you are done inputting the necessary information please click "Save".
- If you want to attach a picture on your post. Click "Attach" and then "Browse" and then click "Upload" after browsing the image you wish to post.
- After you click "Upload", Click "Save". You can also add up to 5 pictures.

Once you click the "Save" you have to click "Submit" and then click "Yes" to permanently submit your document.

If you have a Mobile app installed in your Android or iOS phone, you should be able to get a notification.